Had my appointment scheduled for 2 weeks after the biopsy procedure. When they say, the waiting is the hard part, they aren’t kidding! It was 2 weeks of pure anxiety. Trying to keep yourself busy and not think about “the appointment.” I thought I was handling it well waiting for the results, but lurking in the background was that feeling that something was terribly wrong. It just wouldn’t go away.
Then the office called and wanted me to come in 4 days early as they had the results in already. Then began a real mixed bag of emotions. Good it will be over sooner rather than later, and oh no, does that mean the results aren’t good and they want me in right way to give me the bad news?! So, of course I took the earlier appointment. Would be a fool not to!
Then the day came. The dreaded appointment. A day I will never forget…
So, I met another doctor. He came in with my folder in his hand. Thankfully my husband was in the room with me. About all I heard after introductions, was cancer, mastectomy, lumpectomy and surgery sooner rather than later! It was all a blur. Ed luckily picked up all the words in between and squeezed my hand and gave me that “It’s going to be okay” look.
What he actually said was that I had pre-cancer, or stage zero breast cancer and going with a mastectomy wouldn’t be required at this time. He would do a lumpectomy to remove all the affected cells. This would be followed by radiation treatments and possibly medication as well.
Then he explained the margins he wanted. He wanted to see 2cm margins on all sides of the area. I nodded, but had no clue what he was talking about. Then he said he had an opening the following Friday and he’d like me to grab that spot. This was all happening so fast!
The next thing I knew they scuttled me out of the room and into a quiet area and handed me a bunch of papers to fill out. Even though I was trying hard to be strong, that dang tear was back and it rolled down my cheek again. Now I knew I was going to be fine, but it was still very scary.
I headed home in shock after that appointment, but with the realization that it hadn’t been the best news, but it surely wasn’t the worst. This was pre-cancer and they were going to get it out of me and quickly. More waiting now for the surgery appointment date to arrive, and instruction of what to do and where to go on the big day.
Stay tuned for the next segment… Breast Cancer – the Lumpectomy!
- anxiety
- bee sting
- biopsy
- breast cancer
- co-rider
- cruising
- decisions
- disaptchers
- Dispatching
- drugged on a ship
- Ed Pretty
- family tree
- fire department
- fireman
- genealogy
- humour
- Langley
- lumpectomy
- mammogram
- memorial ride
- Motorcycle Touring
- motorcycling
- Protective Gear
- radiation
- resignation
- riding two-up
- Ron Remenda
- stage zero cancer
- surrey fire department
- Tamoxifen
- texting
- the biopsy
- ultrasound
- unsung heroes
- update
- Urban Woodworker
- very first responders
- vinegar
- who am I
- wood art
- woodturner
- woodturning
- woodturning less
- woodturning lessons