Looks like I’m back to blogging and having my very own website! I’ve had a few in the past. The very first one was hacked, so that went bye bye. It was then that I started a free site on BlogSpot which was easy to use and seemed okay. Then I read somewhere that it wasn’t secure and could disappear at any time. Also, you couldn’t place any ads on it to make a few extra bucks. That just wouldn’t do!
So, I joined Ed on GoDaddy and built my site as well. Paid for it, converted almost all my posts from Blogspot over to WordPress on my new site. Unfortunately, it no longer exists. I didn’t bother to renew it once I went back to work full time, so it is expired.
I didn’t think much of it at the time and was okay with it no longer being there, but then I started thinking. I have to much to say to not have my own blog! That’s not to say I like to talk a lot, but then I guess that is what I’m saying. lol
I’ll be writing about most of the things I used to write about. “Cruising”, “Motorcycling”, “Genealogy”, “Dispatching” and for those posts that just don’t fit into any specific category “Just Stuff”.
So, bear with me as I convert all my past posts and add some new ones to my brand new blog. Of course I’m keeping the same name as always “Pretty Much Anything”.