Well, it’s been about 6 months since my drugging incident aboard Celebrity Constellation. Guess it’s time I gave an update on the outcome and closed the book on this chapter of my life.
I got the results from the hair analysis in mid April. The results were…inconclusive. In other words, they couldn’t detect any measurable amounts of GHB or the other hypnotics that they tested for. This is not to say that they weren’t there, it just couldn’t be measured. Apparently there is a small amount (about 10%) of the population that have baseline levels below the limit of quantitative testing. There is a good possibility that I fit into that group. Either way, and however you put it, the results could not be used to prove or disprove the incident.
I heard from the investigator from RCCL the beginning of April and have heard nothing since. I believe that he was just hoping that the problem would just go away. They interviewed crew members and came up empty. Big surprise there. They went over the security tapes, no results there, another big surprise. I have heard nothing else from them at all.
I did finally get my medical report from the ship. Guess what? It was complimentary. A bill in the amount of $243.00 just being tossed away. Perhaps they felt just a bit guilty. Hmmmm
So, I have decided to let this one go as another unsolved mystery in my life. I will do what I have done with so many others, learn from my mistakes and just file it away. 🙂
I can honestly say that we will never cruise with Celebrity again. Not just because of this incident, we weren’t that thrilled with the line in many other ways as well.
Does this deter me from cruising you ask? NO WAY!! We have two booked already for next year. One with the kids in January and another with friends in September. I am, however going to be more careful and watchful of my surroundings, like I should have been in the first place. I will say this though. We are going back to our old friend Carnival Cruise Lines. The next one will be number 12 for me with Carnival. It’s good to be going home…

In closing, I will not let this one incident by one individual ruin something for me that we both enjoy so much any more than I would let one deer stop me from riding. 🙂
Happy Sailing. See you aboard!!
The End